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Masteron - Drostanolone Propionate
Masteron Facts: Masteron Syntex’s trade name for an injectable steroid preparation containing drostanolone propionate. It entered the market initially as a treatment for breast cancer, and was moderately successful (1)(2)but has largely fallen off the radar due to more effective treatments. Subsequently, the original Syntex brand of Masteron has been removed from the market.

It falls into the Dihydrotestosterone family (2alpha-methyldihydrotestosterone), and has a misleadingly low anabolic and androgenic rating. Dihydrotestosterone is largely rendered inactive in muscle tissue, but the alkylation present at the 2-position seems to make it resistant to the enzyme responsible for this. In addition to the 2alpha-methyl alteration, Masteron has an ester attached, which slows its release into the bloodstream over. In this particular case the ester extends the active life of the parent hormone for roughly two or three days at most.

From reading the literature one would assume that Masteron was a very ineffective steroid but nothing could be further from the truth. Masteron is highly prized by bodybuilders for its ability to increase muscle definition and hardness in the weeks prior to a competition. It is notorious for being able to increase strength and muscle definition, while not adding much weight.

Masteron disappeared from the market for several years in the late ‘90, but with the emergence of underground labs and easy availability of powdered hormones, it has been widely available for the past few years.

Practical Use: For years, the prevailing opinion on Masteron was that it wouldn’t do anything if you were carrying too much bodyfat. This is untrue and more likely due to the fact that its results are not very noticeable at higher bodyfat levels. Of course, this rumor was likely based on the fact that Masteron, when used by a pre-contest bodybuilder in the few remaining weeks before a contest, produces very dramatic visual results – while its use in a bulking cycle doesn’t add much bodyweight. As a result, Masteron is primarily used in cutting cycles, because it’s prohibitively high cost makes it an impractical buy for bulking cycles. It is mild enough to be used at low doses by women although very few actually do, despite the fact that Masteron was one of the few anabolic steroids originally developed exclusively for that purpose.

It has been studied as a potential oral medication with disappointing results (3)

Side Effects: Although Masteron is a relatively mild steroid, it is still derived from Dihydrotestosterone, meaning oily skin and acne, hair loss, and the loss of natural hormone levels (all of which are reversible upon cessation of use).

Used By: Masteron is used primarily by pre-contest bodybuilders and people on cutting cycles. Powerlifters find little use for it, and there are much better choices for athletes. Women, although typically enamored of Dihydrotestosterone based steroids (Primobolan, Anavar, Winstrol, etc…) have really failed to notice Masteron in my experience.

Typical Masteron Dosage: Commonly, Masteron is used at a dose of 100 milligrams every other day. Some users have gone up to 500-600 milligrams per week, although this is usually cost prohibitive. Masteron presents no liver toxicity, and can be used for the entire duration of a long cycle, with the only real drawback being its cost.

Stacks Well With: A cycle consisting of Masteron, Testosterone Propionate, and Trenbolone Acetate is an ideal cutting cycle. Each of them require every other day dosing (because of the short esters) and they all provide lean tissue gains with minimal or no bloating. For a woman, 25-50 milligrams of Masteron as a stand-alone every other day would be sufficient.

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