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Ultratech Information

Please note that as from April 2012 Ultratech only comes in discreet sachets and no real vials will be in circulation anywhere

Ultratech is a very recently opened modern Lab in China.Their product range is very clean and contains High Quality High Dosage Anabolic Steroid oils.

We have personally tested there products and believe them to be one of the best available on the market today. Ultratech have a great future in the Anabolic Steroid manufacturing business and we are very happy to represent them and Pharmamedstore are proud to be one of the exclusive Internet webstore wholesaler/retailers of there product range. We will be looking to supply other retailers in the future, be they webstores or individuals so if you are interested in becoming a retailer then please contact us in the first instance.

Ultratech Authenticity

To check the authenticity of your purchased Ultratech Product then first make sure that you have an "authentic original" printed oval shaped Hologram on the 10ml vial and it is placed vertically in line and above the ULTRATECH logo.

For extra security the hologram is printed with a non scratch off unique number which corresponds directly to the lot (batch) number of each product. No two holograms numbers are ever exactly the same and by checking with us then you will be able to find out if your product is real or a copy by some unscrupulous people.


As you can see from the photos, the lot number on the label relates to the longer individual hologram number on the same vial therefore it is a real product. If you were to come across an Ultratech product where the first four digits on a label do not match the first four digits on the hologram then you have a fake/copy product. Obviously if there is no hologram on the vial then that is an obvious copy.

Ultratech have also told us that for extra security they will be changing batch/ hologram numbers every few months and may even change the vial flip top colours as well....they assured us that they will notify us of any changes beforehand so we can keep our customers are up to date. 


Now only available in discreet sachets.



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250mg/ml x 3 amps
250mg/ml in 10ml vial
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07.Deca Durabolin/MaxPro
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