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Reviews Promotion  Special

As from 1st Feb 2014 we have decided to give our regular and loyal customers a chance to make money by writing a positive review online about us.......the more reviews you do the more money you can make..........then when you make an order you can use this money as a discount on your order.

We will give you $2 per positive review/blog/ you make about us.That may not sound a lot but it only takes you 1 minute to write one and you can write as many as you like but follow rules below please......you could save $100s !!!! 

 Rules of Promotion

1. Any review you do on us must be positive, genuine and mention "Pharmamedstore" or "Pharmamedstore.co"

2. Review must be written on a website related to Steroids, Sport, fitness, bodybuilding  or similar so in Bodybuilding forums, sport forums,fitness ads, etc ......not in gardening forums  or other completely unrelated places!

3. You can write as many reviews as you like so this gives you a chance to possibly save hundreds of Dollars on orders with us but each review you do must be slightly different each time otherwise customers reading reviews online will think we wrote them or paid a company to write them. Each review you do must be on a DIFFERENT WEBSITE EACH TIME so dont write several reviews on same website, people reading will not believe review is genuine.

4. Ideas for contents of your positive review on us could include:

How long you been a customer with us/what products you liked or bought or used/what results you got from our products/what country you are in/how our customer service is/shipping times/packaging we use but dont give too much info on that! as authorities also could read reviews/anything else positive that you experienced with us.

5. To claim your cash discounts then write to us with the info so we can find your review online, the reviews you do must make sense and have some content not just be something like "pharmamedstore is good",you must write why and try to write as much as you can about your positive experiences with us.

6.  It is best to do a few reviews before claiming your money discount......so dont do one review then tell us each time unless you only do one review altogether...best idea is write a few then send us an email with the details of how many and where they are so we can verify and give the money discount. Please use same initials or name when you do each review so we can verify they are from you....so if your name is say David West then you can sign off each review as DW or  Dave W  or similar.

7. The $s we give you for your reviews can only be used as a discount on an order with us and your order must cost more than what $ discount you want to use eg you can order $80 of products and use $50 that we may owe you.

8. If a review is deleted after you wrote it(by you or website owner) and we cannot find it or if Review doesnt mention our website: "Pharmamedstore" then we are sorry but we cannot give $ for that review.




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