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We now offer ALL injectable products, by any manufacturer, in discreet and disguised sachet form for successfull delivery worldwide( our unique sachets surprise many first time customers) and we highly recommend to customers from countries with the strictest customs ie Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc.

Ultratech is now only available in sachets.

IMPORTANT: We will only ship in sachet form for orders of 9-10ml or 18-20ml of any injectable product, so dont order just 2ml or such and expect in sachet form! You can order 5 x 2ml or 10 x 1ml etc of a product and get in our 10ml sachets. 

We have aprox 99.9% delivery rate so far when shipped in our discreet sachet form, so if you are worried in anyway of ordering in glass amps/vials or have had shipments confiscated previously, then this is the best and safest way for you to order.

When you order in sachet form, the product will be supplied in a sterilized, sealed and discreetly disguised sachet. This process is done in a clean and sterile environment by an established sachet manufacturer.

To order your products in sachet form, please tell us "i want sachets " or similar in the order comments section when you check out your shopping cart and send your order. When we email you back later with payment details we will also confirm that you ordered in sachet form.


We recommend you wash your hands thoroughly first or wear sterile rubber gloves. Also swab the sachet and scissors with 70 to 90% rubbing alcohol or similar sterilizing solution for complete cleanliness.

Hold the sachet gently at its side or near the top,making sure you are not squeezing the sachet, cut a corner or the top off the sachet  then you can carefully pour/squeeze oil into an empty sterile vial (when cutting be very careful to keep your sachet upright at all times and not squash the sachet while cutting) or alternately you can suck out the oil using a needle/syringe in the top (easier using an 18 gauge needle attached to a 5 or 10ml syringe). Make sure you dont pierce through sides of the sachet.

The easiest way is to cut off the top of the sachet while upright then pour into a container or you can draw out the oil with a syringe and needle but this method is best when two people do it as one can hold sachet upright while the other draws the oil out.

Draw the oil out then transfer it in to a sterile 10ml vial (empty sterile vials can be purchased easily on the internet,look on ebay if you in Australia) or alternatively after initially drawing some oil into a syringe you can then change the needle for a new one , leave its safety cap on and store upright in the syringe until you want to use it. When you are ready to inject yourself you can transfer enough oil for each shot into a new syringe. Dont forget to use a new needle every time.


If you want the oil to transfer quicker and easier then warm up the sachet first, before opening, by holding against a hot cup of water or you could use a hair dryer on it for a few moments. Winstrol Sachets should be shaken well before opening as some settling may have occured during transit.

Some Manufacturers may not supply exactly 10ml of product in there vials so some sachets may come with just under 10ml for this reason....when ordered in vials then you dont notice when exactly 10ml is not supplied.

The steroid oil remains sterile while in the sachet but after opening or piercing it then you must transfer all the oil to a syringe/sterile vial. Do not store in the opened/pierced sachet.

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250mg/ml x 3 amps
250mg/ml in 10ml vial
03.Ovinum/Clomid BioLab
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04.Kamagra/Generic Viagra
100mg x 4
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06.Winstrol/Stanazolol/ La Pharma 75mg/ml per 10ml Vial
07.Deca Durabolin/MaxPro
250mg/ml in 10ml vial
10mg x 50 tabs
09.Testosterone Enanthate / Unigen
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10.Stanozolol/Winstrol/LA Pharma
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