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Steroid Chart

For your information we have enclosed a Steroid Effectiveness Chart to help you choose your products. Don’t forget we have some Steroid cycle suggestions in the information section on the website. Each product we sell has general info and suggested dosages, just click on the product you are interested in to read the info on it.


Please note that each individual may respond slightly different to the same substance, so the chart is correct with the margin of error of 2 points.


10 means very good, 0 means not very good.



Steroid    Strength     MassGain     Fat Loss    Side Effects    Keeping Gains       Detection


Anadrol      10                10                 0                  7                     3                      6-8 weeks

Anavar        6                  3                  3                  2                     8                       3 weeks

Andriol        7                  7                  1                  4                     8                       3 weeks

Dianabol      7                  9                  0                  5                     3                       3 weeks

Deca D.       7                  7                  1                  3                     8                    16-18 months

Equipoise    5                  6                   1                  3                     8                      3-5 months

Masteron     6                  6                  1                  2                     9                       4 weeks

Primobolan  6                  6                  2                  3                    10                     3-5 weeks

Sustanon      7                  8                  0                  5                     6                      3-4 months

Test.Enanthate 7              7                  0                  6                     4                       3 months

Test.Cypionate 7              7                  0                 6                      4                       3 months

Test.Propionate 7             6                  0                 4                      3                      2-3 weeks

Trenbolone     7                7                  2                 4                      6                       6 weeks

Winstrol         4                4                  4                  1                     9                       3-8 weeks



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250mg/ml x 3 amps
250mg/ml in 10ml vial
03.Ovinum/Clomid BioLab
50mg x 10 tabs
04.Kamagra/Generic Viagra
100mg x 4
05.Deca / Organon
100mg/ml x 3 amps
06.Winstrol/Stanazolol/ La Pharma 75mg/ml per 10ml Vial
07.Deca Durabolin/MaxPro
250mg/ml in 10ml vial
10mg x 50 tabs
09.Testosterone Enanthate / Unigen
250mg/ml in 10ml vial
10.Stanozolol/Winstrol/LA Pharma
10mg x 100 tabs
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Oxandrolone/SB<BR>10mg x 50 tabs
10mg x 50 tabs

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Sustanon/Elite Pharma 300mg/ml in 10ml vial
Sustanon/Elite Pharma 300mg/ml in 10ml vial
- Stanozolol - Testosterone Cypionate - Oxymetholone - Propionate - Anadrol - Anavar - Andriol - Clenbuterol - Clomid - Cytadren - Cytomel (T3) - Deca Durabolin - Dianabol (D-BOL) - Ephedrine - Equipoise - HCG - HGH - Lasix - Masteron - Nolvadex - Primobolan Depot - Proviron - Sustanon - Testoviron Depot - Testovit - Winstrol Depot - Winstrol Tabs - Trenbolone - Viagra - Valium - Xanax -

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