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Trenbolone enanthate was the steroid produced by underground labs to take the place of Parabolan, and its obscure ester. Tren enanthate basically is the longest acting version of tren we have available on the market right now, and it actually offers a couple of advantages over the traditional Tren A that’s been available for the last couple of years as either an UG Product, or from converting Finaplex Pellets into an injectable.
For one reason or another, this stuff doesn’t cause the tren cough. Regardless of which type of Tren is used; home-brewed Tren, UG lab Tren, or Vet-Grade, athlete can be crippled for the first week of use.
There is a method of prostaglandin production whereby prostaglandins made from one pathway in particular happen to dictate some muscle constriction as well as platlet aggregation, while the other method of production dictates bronchial constriction, and this could possibly be the means by which Tren Acetate causes that vicious cough. The reason why—though this is speculation—the enanthate version doesn’t cause this rapid rise in prostaglandins is because of its more steady release, and my body’s ability to gradually acclimatize itself to this. If you look at the graphs in the Minto studies, you’ll see that the rise and rapid peak in blood plasma levels afforded by short esters are profoundly higher than those provided with longer esters, and it’s my belief that the enanthate ester provides a lower peak level and less rapid rise in prostaglandin levels, especially the ones which dictate that second form of prostaglandin release which causes bronchial constriction. I feel that this bronchial constriction never really leaves you while you use any form of Tren, and this is what causes the shortness of breath experienced by many athletes on Tren.
Anyway, clearly the long estered Tren is a viable compound for those who wish to make minimal injections, and still use a nice lean-mass providing, non-aromatizing anabolic.
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