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Winstrol Depot
Winstrol Depot - Stanozolol
Winstrol also known as winny, win 50 and stanazol is an oral steroid as well as an injectable steroid with a high anabolic effect and low androgenic effect. Due to the low androgenic effect, winstrol builds less muscle than steroids such as Dianabol but at the same time winstrol has less side effects. Due to the low androgenic properties Winstrol has become very popular amongst female athelets and bodybuilders. This steroid is often used in cutting cycles as its good for adding hard lean muscle and giving the body that “hard” look.


For males the typical dosage is between 20mg and 50mg daily for the oral tablets, for the injectable version a dosage of 50 to 100mg every 3 days is common.

For females a dosage of between 5 and 10mg daily is usually more than enough, and even at these low dosages there can be some masculine side effects.


As mentioned earlier in the article, Winstrol is very popular in cutting cycles.

A typical cutting cycle would consist on winstrol, equipoise and a low dose of testosterone.

Winstrol would be used for 6 weeks at 20 to 50mgs daily

Equipoise 10 weeks at 300 to 600mgs weekly

Testosterone 10 weeks at 300 to 600mgs mgs weekly.

Many people are against adding testosterone to a cutting cycle as it gives the user water retention, but once the cycle is stopped the water retention disappears and the results from the cycle will show. Testosterone also works great in cutting cycles due the the decreased calorie intake, testosterone helps maintain and still build new muscle.

Side Effects:

Winstrol has less side effects compared to other steroids but some side effects can include. Most side effects related to winstrol are often dose related and lowering the dosage often sorts out the problem.

Water retention
Liver Damage
Sore joints

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